Protecting physical infrastructure is no longer sufficient to keep cybercriminals at bay. Employees have become the weakest links and criminals are well aware of this. With phishing emails they try to steal sensitive information, or encrypt files with cryptolockers. To protect against this it is necessary to confront employees with the dangers of phishing, and teach them how to act accordingly.

Phishermen sends harmless phishing simulations to employees within an organization to generate awareness, and make the topic of cyber crime discussable. At the same time employees are confronted with the dangers of phishing. This leads to them being prepared when malicious attackers perform phishing attacks, protecting the organization. Because employees can expect phishing simulations, they will become more careful with email in general.

At the end of the month companies will receive a report that summarizes how employees handled the simulations. It will show how many of them opened the email, clicked a link, opened an attachment, answered the email etc. This gives insight into the extent to which the company is protected against social cybercrime. By proactively protecting companies avoid the high costs that result from a successful attack.