Academic Research, scientific research
Edu type:
Formal education
Bachelor (EQF 6)
Start date:
Study Load:
5040 hrs
3 years
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How does nature work? How can we use its concepts? By making models and formulating natural laws, we can describe and predict the natural world.


Physics is a 'hard' science: it is concerned with hard figures, precise and pure measurements. These are used to produce models and explain natural phenomena.

The Bachelor's programme in Physics lasts three years. During your first year, you will study basic subjects such as mechanics, special relativity, and electricity & magnetism.


You will also take practical courses. During this year, you can choose between four tracks:

  • Biophysics & Medical Physics
  • Energy & Environmental Physics
  • Nanophysics
  • Particle Physics


Physics graduates have excellent opportunities on the job market. You can work as a researcher at a company or an institute, or for example as a consultant, because you will have the analytical skills that are both needed and wanted to solve complicated questions in such environments.