Legit Email Blackout: How Will You Avoid Rejection and Impersonation on Google/Yahoo?

14 February 2024
15:00 - 15:40 hrs
Organised by:
Sendmarc & Acronis

Did you know that 91% of cybercrimes begin with an email? And shockingly, 75% of your customers aren't adequately protected from email impersonation. This poses a significant security risk that needs immediate attention.


Join us for our upcoming webinar, "Legit email blackout! How will you avoid rejection and impersonation on Google/Yahoo?" Sacha Matulovich, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Sendmarc, and James Abercrombie, ISV Tech Evangelist at Acronis will address this pressing issue and explore the powerful integration between Sendmarc and Acronis.


Topics that will be discussed during the webinar include:

  • The importance of implementing DMARC, SPF and DKIM protocols to protect domains from email impersonation.
  • The alarming statistics surrounding email-based network attacks and the potential consequences for businesses.
  • The limitations of anti-spam measures and the need for comprehensive protection against evolving threats.
  • The recent announcements by Google and Yahoo regarding the rejection of mail from domains without proper authentication protocols.
  • The opportunity for MSPs to offer DMARC compliance as a security service and unlock new growth opportunities.


Click here for more information about the webinar!


Source: Sendmarc & Acronis