The Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice invites entrepreneurs to introduce their insights on innovation in satellite applications for Security and Justice and published their request on Tenderned. With this instrument the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice aims to start a dialogue with the business community to further improve innovative products and services. The focus within the programme Satellite applications for Security and Justice is placed on innovative solutions which, for instance, help in detecting starting wildfires, can be used to determine foreign nationals’ region of origin, improve police observations and support, detecting environmental issues. These are all issues where satellite data and technology can provide a valuable contribution.
A Number of Examples:
The Ministry of Security and Justice is actively looking for more knowledge, insights and innovative solutions which could, eventually, be implemented within the operations of National Police Forces, Immigration services, Fire departments and Investigation services. This why the Ministry, with the assistance of HSD, organises a market consultation with the goal to explore the possibilities that the market has to offer. In a follow-up phase selected innovation possibilities will be further developed in cooperation with government, business communities and knowledge institutions.
Do you want to share your ideas? You can submit your content digitally, the deadline is October 5th.
Companies with the most appealing ideas will be invited by the Ministry to further discuss their insights.
Register through the link, accept the conditions and you will get access to the documents that you need. Fill out these documents and send them to the Ministry of Security and Justice via:
Want to know more?
Read more about the Innovation Programme Satellite applications for Security and Justice here.