Call for Participation: Meet Master Students in Cyber Security at HSD Campus

Do you want to get into contact with cyber security talent and do you want an entrepreneurial business case researched? On 26 April and 31 May, about 30 Master students in cyber security from TU Delft and University of Twente will visit the HSD Campus for a special programme as part of their 'Entrepreneurial Skills Course'. Purpose is to learn the students about entrepreneurship in cyber security and to practice it. Lecturers from the universities will teach the relevant theory and prepare the students for practical work.

Call for cyber security entrepreneurs and business cases

To give the students a better understanding what it takes to start business activities in cyber security, the TU Delft and University of Twente are looking for cyber security entrepreneurs who are willing to participate in the programme, which include meeting the students twice:

1) on the afternoon of 26 April: for a 1-2 hour indept interview by the students and presenting your entrepreneurial business case. With this business case you have the opportunity to ask the students to investigate something related to entrepreneurship in cyber security, e.g. international market research.

2) on the afternoon of  31 May: The students will present their first findings and you have the opportunity to give feedback for improving the results.

The student will include the results in a final and concise report, and they will also record their key findings in a 2-minute video presentation. More information about the programme.


Thus taking part in “cyber security entrepreneurship @HSD Campus” provides the opportunity to get answers to some important questions that you may have and a it gives a good first ‘get to know the student’ opportunity, which may facilitate recruiting.


Interested in participating?

Would you like to participate in this programme, please register before 6 April by sending an email to  

Sandra Wolff via Do you have questions about the programme? Please contact prof.dr. Pieter Hartel of the TU Delft. 


The programme is organised by TU Delft and University of Twente.


HSD Partners involved

Compumatica secure networks
Delft University of Technology
Inverid (former InnoValor)
ThreadStone Cyber Security