HSD Partner-Discount for Hardware Security Conference and Training

For the third time the Hardwear.io Hardware Security Conference & Training will take place in the city of The Hague. On 21 & 22 September, hackers, researchers, pentesters, professionals, and university students will gather to discuss and solve hardware security issues. The objective of the conference revolves around key concerns in hardware, firmware and related protocols i.e. backdoors, exploits, trust and attacks (BETA).


There will also be several training sessions on 19 and 20 September at the HSD Campus, including Low-Level Hardware Reversing, Applied Physical Attacks on x86 Systems, Car Hacking, Tiny Embedded Systems Firmware Reverse Engineering and Exploitation, IC Reverse Engineering 101. 


The Hague Security Delta is endorsing partner of Hardwear.io and therefore HSD Partners receive a special 10% discount on registration with Code HWHSD.