On Monday 9 January, like every other Monday, HSD Campus residents joined each other for the communal residents lunch. Besides it being a perfect moment for networking being among colleagues and neighbours. The campus lunch also presents the possibility for tenants or interested parties to present their selves to the audience.
This week Roos Klaassen and Hanneke van der Velden of StuD, the temporary employment agency for students! Were invited to present their agency to the residents. StuD is the temporary employment agency run by and for technical students from Delft. StuD’s board comprises six students who fulfil a full-time role over a thirteen-month period and are responsible for day-to-day operations. StuD has an enormous cohort of young, capable students from Delft University of Technology who it can place rapidly and effectively. Being an agency run by and for students also accounts for the profits which are invested in the Delft student community. The aim is to facilitate innovative, entrepreneurial projects that will benefit the students of Delft University of Technology. The financial support means that projects can actually be carried out.
The HSD Human Capital Programme is always looking for opportunities to promote the security sector to new talent and introduce new talent to the community. Having received positive feedback from partners who have worked with STuD before and the varied skills, including various programming languages, that technical students possess it only seemed logical to introduce the agency to the community.
Interested in what the HSD Human Capital Programme can do for you? Or how you can contribute to our common goals? The recently published Human Capital Actieagenda Cyber Security can be downloaded here and states the ambitions and goals of the HSD Human Capital Programme for 2016-2018. We are always open to suggestions or ideas. If you have any ideas or want to get in touch you can reach us through info@securitytalent.nl.