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Den Haag
Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8)
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Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) - in the context of the Social Sciences and Humanities Sector Programme Funding for teaching, research and societal impact activities within a newly created Interdisciplinary Hub on “European Approaches to Societal Challenges (EASC)-  invites applications for an


Assistant Professor in European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs (1.0 FTE)


Vacancy number 22-548 12568


In 2022, the Netherlands Ministry of Education Culture and Science has initiated new funding programmes aiming to provide a new impulse for research within broad themes in the social and behavioral sciences. Research themes under these new funding schemes are sector specific or horizontal, crossing over several scientific disciplines and domains. 

In the context of advancing an interdisciplinary Hub on ‘European Approaches to Societal Challenges’ (EASC), the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and Institute of Security and Global Affairs seek to appoint a full-time Assistant Professor in European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs. 

This position is situated within Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) and based in The Hague. 

Given the affiliation of the position to a university-wide cross domain SSH theme, the future assistant professor would be tasked to develop and maintain collaboration with scholars focusing on European and European Union themes within FGGA (especially the Institute of Public Administration and Leiden University College) and university colleagues across the EASC hub. 

Key responsibilities 

The Institute seeks to expand its academic staff by appointment of an assistant professor with teaching and research expertise in the field of European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs in one or more of the following thematic areas: security and defence, diplomacy, mediation and conflict resolution, and the EU’s role in global affairs (including EU enlargement, rule of law and human rights, good governance). 

The successful applicant will be expected to: 
Play an active coordinating role within the existing community of EU scholars across FGGA and within the ‘European Approaches to Societal Challenges’ Hub – an important requirement and a key aspect of the activities to be developed as part of this position; 

Conduct high-level international research in the fields of European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs in close cross-research group collaboration with the chairs of Security (Joachim Koops) and Comparative Governance (Antoaneta Dimitrova); 

Contribute to the activities of the newly created Jean Monnet Chair on the European Union’s role in Security and Global Affairs (EURISGA); 
Support ongoing efforts to advance ISGA’s Brussels strategy with planning, coordination and implementation; 
Contribute to the Institute’s PhD Training Programme and selected professional training programmes in The Hague and/or in Brussels; 
Develop and teach courses on the EU’s external action, security and diplomacy as well as rule of law/enlargement/human rights/good governance and global affairs challenges, at Bachelor, Master and executive training level in various programs at the Institute; 

Supervise Master theses and assist in supervising PhD dissertations; 
Disseminate research findings through high-ranking international blind peer review journals, edited volumes, books, whitepapers, conference presentations, policy reports, policy advise and (inter)national popular media; 

Contribute to securing external funding to support research and other activities; 
Contribute to public and policy debates on national and global security issues especially pertaining to European approaches to security, diplomacy and global affairs. 

Selection Criteria 

The candidates must have: 
A PhD degree from an internationally ranked tertiary institution in a relevant field, e.g. political science, International Relations, Public Administration or Law; 

Extensive knowledge of current security challenges the European Union and European member states are facing, recent developments in security and diplomacy and different aspects of EU external action with a track record of published research on these topics; 

A record of published peer-reviewed research and grant acquisition potential; 
A growing scholarly and policy-relevant network in the field of European approaches to security, diplomacy and global affairs, broadly conceived – candidates with demonstrable networks in Brussels are particularly welcome to apply; 

Demonstrable excellence in teaching in English-taught courses; passion for education, in and out of the classroom; 
Demonstrable track-record of contributing to policy-relevant debates; 
Proficiency in English. Fluency in Dutch is considered an asset; 
Leiden University requires teaching staff to obtain the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). If the successful applicant does not already possess this qualification or its equivalent, (s)he must be willing to obtain this Qualification within two years. 

Our organisation 

This position is situated within Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is one of the seven faculties of Leiden University and is based in The Hague. 

Science for and about society is the domain of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). FGGA provides high-quality interdisciplinary education and research on social and governance issues such as terrorism, organisation of public administration, climate change and economic crises. 

Contemporary issues are approached from an administrative, political, economic, legal and sociological perspective. This interdisciplinary approach gives the faculty's education and research a cross-border character. 

The FGGA is a young, enterprising and innovative organisation that is growing rapidly. The faculty has three scientific institutes, two centres, 3500 students and 330 staff members. 

The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) 

is an interdisciplinary institute that focuses on research, education and societal impact in the field of security and global affairs. ISGA analyzes and studies issues in a comprehensive way from their local, European transnational and global impact. The Institute consists of over 120 staff members spread across the seven research groups of Cyber Security Governance, Diplomacy and Global Affairs, Governance of Crises, Intelligence and Security, Physical Violence and Public Order, Terrorism and Political Violence and War, Peace and Justice. 

ISGA operates from The Hague, the third major city of the Netherlands, center of national governance and International City of Peace, Justice and Security. See also: 

About the EASC Hub 

Leiden University’s Interdisciplinary Hub on European Approaches to Societal Challenges (EASC) serves as a core teaching, research and societal impact platform that brings together colleagues from 4 faculties in order to advance synergies and impactful initiatives amongst scholars and experts working on European and European Union approaches to pressing societal challenges. The Hub’s aim is not only to connect and amplify Leiden University’s expertise on Europe and the European Union, but to also to increase its impact and visibility amongst a variety of stakeholders in existing and new European and global networks, including in Brussels itself. 

Terms and conditions 

The position starts as soon as possible, but no later than 1st January 2023. The salary ranges from € 3,974 to € 5,439 gross per month (pay scale 11 in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). 

The successful candidate will be part of an ambitious and dynamic team. The candidate will initially be appointed for one year with the aim to progress to a permanent appointment during or after the term of the initial contract, depending upon performance (including teaching, research and administration) and taking into account budgetary considerations 

Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.