Den Haag
Associate degree (EQF 5)
Apply before:
Hours p/wk:


Applications are invited for this internship project at the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol).

Europol is located in The Hague, The Netherlands, and its mission is to support EU Member States in preventing and combating all forms of serious international and organized crime, cybercrime and terrorism.

Europol’s main tasks are the following:

a) to collect, store, process, analyse and exchange information, including criminal intelligence;

b) to coordinate, organise and implement investigative and operational actions to support and strengthen actions by the competent authorities of the Member States;

c) to notify the Member States, via the national units, without delay of any information and connections between criminal offences concerning them;

d) to provide information and analytical support to Member States in connection with major international events;

e) to develop, share and promote specialist knowledge of crime prevention methods, investigative procedures and technical and forensic methods, and provide advice to Member States;

f) to support Member States' cross-border information exchange activities, operations and investigations, as well as joint investigation teams, including by providing operational, technical and financial support;

g) to proactively monitor research and innovation activities that are relevant for the achievement of Europol’s objectives and contribute to such activities by supporting related activities of Member States and by implementing its own research and innovation activities;

h) to prepare threat assessments, strategic analyses and general situation reports relating to its objective, including organised crime threat assessments.

For more information please visit Europol’s website.


The objectives of Europol’s internship scheme are:

  • To provide interns with a unique and first-hand experience of the workings of Europol in particular and of the European Union institutions in general. It aims at providing an understanding of the objectives and goals of the Europol processes and policies.
  • To enable interns to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work of Europol departments and services. To provide the opportunity to work in a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multi-ethnic environment contributing to the development of mutual understanding, trust and tolerance. To promote European integration within the spirit of new governance and through active participation to create awareness of true European citizenship.
  • To provide the opportunity to interns to put into practice knowledge acquired during their studies and training and in particular their specific areas of competence. To introduce these interns to the professional world and the constraints, duties and opportunities therein.

Europol, through its internship scheme:

  • Benefits from the input of enthusiastic interns, who can give a fresh point of view and up-to-date academic and educational knowledge, which will enhance the everyday work of Europol;
  • Creates a pool of interns with first-hand experience of and training in Europol procedures, who will be better prepared to collaborate and co-operate with Europol in the future;
  • Creates long-term “goodwill ambassadors” for European ideas and values both within the European Union and outside.



The aim of this generic internship project announcement is to establish a list of successful candidates for various teams in the Governance Directorate and Management Board Functions of Europol.

The selected applicant(s) will join the internship project for a minimum period of 6 months and a maximum period of 12 months, including any possibility of extension based on the performance of the intern and the interest of the service, with a work schedule of 40 hours a week. The internship will take place at the Europol premises in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Based on the profile of the successful candidates, the intern will be allocated to one of the teams listed below:

Corporate Law

This internship project focuses on practical application of Corporate Law matters in the context of an EU Agency, in particular, supporting implementation of public access project.

The assigned activities will include:

  • Providing assistance in implementation of the new training regime on public access;
  • Conducting research on application of corporate legislation, especially in the field of public access;
  • Providing assistance in the preparation of correspondence and official meetings with internal and external stakeholders;
  • Providing assistance in drafting notes, legal opinions and other documents;
  • Any other related activities under the supervision of the internship supervisor.

Commercial Law

Commercial Law team is supporting colleagues from all departments concerning innovation projects, model licensing terms and project agreements.

The assigned activities will include:

  • Conducting research on EU legislation, especially in the fields impacting on Commercial Law (e.g. procurement, grants, intellectual property, IT and innovation), and on case law of the Court of Justice of the EU;
  • Conducting assessment of open source terms for Large Language Model (LLM) and datasets;
  • Conducting assessment of commercial terms;
  • Any other related activities under the supervision of the internship supervisor.

Data Protection Function (DPF)

The internship project focuses on supporting the Europol Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN). EDEN is an online collaboration platform which has been developed with the aim of involving stakeholders from various backgrounds including law enforcement as well as representatives of relevant private parties, academia, NGOs, etc.

The assigned activities will include:

  • Conducting research based on open sources in order to maintain an overview for the DPF regarding the public debate on topics drawing the link between data protection and law enforcement;
  • Providing assistance in the promotion of EDEN partnerships by reaching out to suitable Universities, posting on the EDEN Community LinkedIn Group, and working with Corporate Communications to further support the implementation of the EDEN related communication strategy;
  • Providing assistance in the preparation and follow-up of annual EDEN conference;
  • Introducing and familiarising yourself with Europol’s data protection framework;
  • Assisting the DPF members in the performance of their daily tasks.




Management Board Secretariat (MBS)

The internship project focuses on supporting Management Board Secretariat in the activities of the Management Board of Europol (MB) and its Working Groups (WGs):


The assigned activities will include:

  • Regularly monitoring EU and international legislative and policy developments including case-law;
  • Identifying those developments that may be of relevance to the work of the Management (MB) and of its Working Groups (Corporate Matters/WGCM and Information Management/WGIM) and assessing their possible impact thereof;
  • Contributing to the preparation of related documentation, such as briefing notes, summaries, correspondence in preparation for MB and WGs meetings;
  • Supporting the MB Secretariat in the preparation of meetings and their followup, both content-wise and organisationally;
  • Supporting MB Secretariat in any other related tasks.





  • Be a national of a Member State of the European Union;
  • Have reached the age of majority in their country of origin;
  • Have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies or vocational training relevant for the tasks of Europol. Only diplomas issued by EU Member State authorities and diplomas recognised as equivalent by the relevant EU Member State bodies are accepted. If the main studies took place outside the European Union or at a non-EU establishment located within the European Union the candidate’s qualification (hereinafter “non-EU diploma”), must have been recognised by a body delegated officially for the purpose by one of the European Union Member States (such as a national Ministry of Education);
  • Have very good knowledge of English, which is Europol’s main language of internal communication, and a satisfactory knowledge (corresponding at least to B1 level of the Common European framework of reference for the level of languages) of another language of the European Union.

2. Not have already for more than six weeks:

  • benefited from any kind of internship (formal or informal, paid or unpaid) within a European institution, agency or body (including Europol), or
  • had any kind of employment within a European institution, agency or body (including Europol).



a. Experience (in academic or professional setting):

  • Experience in in dealing with EU policy/law matters, including via study assignments;
  • Experience in projects related to international relations, preferably in relation to EU Institutions and EU Agencies, and/or other international organisations, such as NATO and OSCE;
  • Experience in analysis and synthesis of information from a range of sources, including via study/research assignments;
  • Experience in event organisation;
  • Studying or working in an international environment will be considered an asset.


b. Subject knowledge/education:

  • Completed university studies or vocational training in the field of Law, Political Science, European Politics, European/Public International Law, International Relations, Security or European studies or any other relevant field for the internship project;
  • Good knowledge of the EU decision-making process;
  • Knowledge of the EU institutional framework and EU Justice Home Affairs (JHA) Policy field.

c. General competencies:

  • Excellent communication skills in English, both verbally and in writing;
  • Proficient user of IT applications in general and Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) and the internet;
  • Interpersonal skills with the ability to work well in a team, as well as independently;
  • Planning and organisational skills;
  • Ability to draft clear and concise documents on complex matters;
  • Ability to work in an international and multi-cultural environment.


Applications for internships, as well as document(s) proving the recognition of a non-EU diploma (where applicable), must be submitted via the online e-recruitment tool available on Europol’s website. They shall be received by HR at the latest on the closing date set.

The selection will be carried out by a Selection Committee consisting of one representative of the HR Unit and at least two representatives from the Directorate(s)/Department(s) requesting the internship.

Applications for internships will be judged on merit, on the basis of the published selection criteria. Europol will keep, to the best level possible, gender balance and equilibrium between interns from the different Member States.

Candidates invited to a remote interview will be required to provide, before or on the day of the interview, the following documents in original or (certified) copy:

  • A valid passport/identity card;
  • University Diploma (or Certificate of completion of studies proving that the candidate has a level of education corresponding to completed university studies)/certificate of completed vocational training.

After the selection procedure has taken place, the Selection Committee will establish a list of successful candidates (reserve list), which shall be valid for 12 months. Inclusion on the reserve list does not guarantee receiving an internship offer.

Internships shall not be offered to successful candidates included on the reserve list who for more than six weeks have already:

a) benefited from any kind of internship (formal or informal, paid or unpaid) within a European institution, agency or body (including Europol), or

b) had any kind of employment within a European institution, agency or body (including Europol).




During the period of internship, interns currently receive a MONTHLY MAINTENANCE GRANT of 1.500 EUR, serving the purpose to cover the costs of living in The Netherlands. In accordance with the rules applicable to the Europol’s internship scheme mentioned below, this amount may be updated in the course of an internship.

Upon request, interns must be able to provide invoices and receipts relating to living expenses incurred in the Netherlands during their internship at Europol.

The interns who continue to be paid by their employer for the purpose of following an internship at Europol, or who receive a grant or a subsistence allowance from another source aimed at covering the living costs incurred by interns during an internship at Europol, shall only be entitled to a financial contribution from Europol if the sum they receive is less than the amount of the monthly maintenance grant. In that case, they shall receive the difference.

All interns are insured by Europol against the risk of accident or death while present or having a link to Europol premises.

All interns must possess sickness insurance throughout the entire period of their internship. Proof of this insurance must be presented to HR before the start date of the internship. Interns are advised to take out a civil liability insurance.

An intern placed at Europol shall be allocated a formal supervisor who will be responsible for his/her supervision whilst at Europol. This shall include the establishment of formal learning objectives and assessing these at the end of the internship. The intern and his/her supervisor will be required to produce a final report on the internship period (i.e. Internship Performance Report).

Europol offers to interns the same flexible working arrangements offered to staff members, two (2) days of leave per complete month of internship as well as ad hoc additional days of leave in exceptional circumstances.

The internship contract will be provided to the intern on the first day of the internship.

No intern may serve beyond a 12-month period at Europol in the same or a similar capacity (i.e. a second internship).

All interns who may be entrusted with a sensitive activity or access classified information at Europol shall be security cleared at the appropriate level, prior to commencing the internship.

Interns shall provide a recent (i.e. not older than three months when presented to Europol) Certificate of Good Conduct prior to commencing the internship. An overview of relevant certificates for each of the Member States is available on the Europol website. The certificate is to be issued by the authorities of the Member State of which the intern is a national. Europol may also accept a valid security clearance issued by a competent National Authority, which should be presented for validation to Europol prior to commencing the internship.

Please note that the internship scheme of Europol is governed by the Decision of the Executive Director on Internships available on Europol’s website. Candidates are kindly invited to refer to the said Decision for further details on Europol’s internship scheme (such as the internship contract, financial matters and insurance, working conditions, interns’ rights and obligations, early termination).




Privacy Notice

Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC, applies to the processing of personal data carried out in the process of selection of interns at Europol, following the application of this Regulation to all administrative personal data held by Europol in accordance with Article 46 of the Europol Regulation.

For additional information, please consult the applicable privacy notice available on Europol’s website.



Publication date: 1 February 2024
Deadline for application: 22 February 2024, 23:59 Amsterdam Time Zone
Remote interviews: 2nd half of March 2024

Starting date of the internship project:  1 May 2024 or later