Associate degree (EQF 5), Bachelor (EQF 6), Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8), Master (EQF 7)
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Police services do a lot of research into child abuse. They confiscate a lot of digital material from suspects, sometimes in the millions of images and/or videos. For investigation purposes it is sometimes needed to try to backtrack a suspect’s behavior and movements. Where has the suspect been? What has he done where and when? Who has he shared information with etc. etc. We want to assist our users in this task by visualizing this based on the information (images and video’s) that is loaded into our software from the confiscated digital material.


The Assignment

Together with internal knowledge holders and a selection of users we want you to find out which information can be useful in the investigation task of our customers. Once you know which information is useful, we want you to investigate best practices on how that information can be obtained.


After you have gathered all the information, we want you to pick the most prominent information (as in a balance between importance for our customers and the ease at which information can be found) and design and build a visualization system of that, considering that in the future more information must be visualizable in your system.


Expected End Result

  • A research paper about which information could help users in their fight against child abuse.
  • A research paper about which type of information can be extracted from the digital material.
  • A (technical and UX) design and prototype of a first visualization of the information.
  • Technical documentation in such a way that our team can continue with your work.

Task Description

What is expected of you?

  • Ability to work independently but also in teams that develops using the Agile Scrum methodology.
  • Developing in Microsoft Visual Studio with C#.NET
  • Making use of SQL Server, Elastic Search and/or a new technology


ZiuZ has a standard internship / graduation allowance of € 350 per month and a maximum of € 221 travel allowance if applicable.