Temporary employment
Den Haag
Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8)
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The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is looking for a PhD candidate in Crisis Governance.



Project description
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University seeks to appoint a full-time PhD candidate to carry out research (75%) and teaching (25%) activities on Crisis Management from an organizational and political perspective, with particular emphasis on comparative research regarding the COVID-19 response (the topic of the PhD research proposal to be implemented). The Covid-19 crisis offers us a unique opportunity for comparative crisis governance research, with countries world-wide facing the same threat for a prolonged period of time under similar conditions of uncertainty and urgency. This PhD project seeks to answer the following research question, in either a series of peer reviewed articles or a monograph (book): How do leaders design and adjust their country’s response strategy while facing deep uncertainty, and how do their choices relate to the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Covid-19 response? The country studies can be done by the PhD candidate individually or in close cooperation with colleagues from within ISGA, or in our wider crisis research network (covering also Belgium, Canada, China, Italy, Sweden, the UK, and the US). The project can start with a detailed analysis of the Netherlands as a country of reference, comparing its crisis management strategy to other countries.


The PhD candidate will be supervised by Dr. Arjen Boin, promotor (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University) Dr. Sanneke Kuipers (ISGA) and Dr. Jeroen Wolbers (ISGA). The candidate will perform the research and teaching at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. Education activities and assistance will serve the Crisis Governance specialization track in the master program Crisis and Security Management under the coordination of Dr. Kuipers.



Key responsibilities

  • Conduct research in the field of Crisis Management, with a particular emphasis on sense making and decision making in coordination and response to the COVID-19 crisis;
  • Obtain a PhD by publishing a monograph or four articles in leading journals on security and global affairs within a four-year timeframe;
  • Support the education activities of the Crisis Governance specialization in the master Crisis and Security Management, including lecturing, marking, and providing feedback to students.
  • Develop teaching-related skills by (co-) teaching courses and obtaining the basic teaching qualification (BKO);
  • Present their work to both academic and professional audiences;
  • Contribute when applicable to the Dutch or international public debate on crisis management and emergency response;
  • Be able to work in a highly independent, organized and result-oriented fashion;
  • Demonstrate good time-management skills;
  • Build an (inter)national network that spans both academics and policymakers/practitioners working on topics related to crisis research;
  • Actively participate in discussions at the Institute, the research group Crisis Governance and the master programme CSM on research and teaching innovation;
  • Follow PhD courses based on an individual training and supervision plan.