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Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8)
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The Institute of Security and Global Affairs of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is inviting applications for a
Post-doctoral researcher Securdomino Project (1,0 FTE)
Vacancy number: 22-664 12970

 Leiden University intends to appoint a postdoctoral researcher to become part of the core team working on the LIFE SECURDOMINO Project. We are looking for a solid researcher who enjoys bridging divides between the technical (safety and security risks) and the societal disciplines and environment, and participating in expert workshops and seminars to carry out qualitative content analyses in the framework of societal disciplines and environment, then cooperating with technical people to support the dissemination.
The Project
The LIFE20 ENV/IT/000436 – LIFE SECURDOMINO project (Seveso sites: assessment of integrated safety-security hazards and risks and related domino effects) was financed in October 2021 in the frame of the 2020 EU LIFE ENV call. Industrial facilities storing and processing relevant quantities of hazardous chemicals have an inherent hazard potential that may be exploited by malevolent agents, causing accidents that may propagate among process units, leading to cascading events or domino effects resulting in major accidents. The European Seveso-III Directive (2012/18/EU) asks for an assessment of the domino effects focusing on safety and related issues but does not specifically address security vulnerability. The link between the two policies has not been established and no guidance is available to identify potential domino effects on Seveso sites, and to assess and control security-related scenarios. The security of industrial sites must be addressed, both from the legislative and technical point of view, as an issue of the greatest urgency. The LIFE SECURDOMINO project addresses the above-mentioned safety-security interface issues, and the need to integrate them in high risk industrial sites in order to prevent health and environmental damages associated with the escalation of possible domino effects triggered by external acts of interference. LIFE SECURDOMINO aims at developing an innovative tool for the assessment and management of risks induced by security threats, i.e., external acts of interference or terrorist attacks, in SEVESO plants. In other words, the core of the work is supporting the integrated safety-security assessment of industrial facilities, developing advanced approaches based on the probabilistic and deterministic assessment of domino effects triggered by cyber-physical agents and threats. The outcome of the project is a tool - a method implemented in a dedicated software - that will undergo parallel “testing” in Italy and in the Netherlands and, at the same time, will be validated/verified by ARPAT for Tuscany (Italy), the reference public body for the implementation of SEVESO directive in Italy. The expected results may be found here: https://www.securdomino.eu/expected-results/ 
As the project will include the application of the method to a DEMO site (a Seveso site, or in Dutch: BRZO-bedrijf) in the Netherlands, the work of the postdoc involves the data collection, testing and promotion of the LIFE SECURDOMINO tool in the Dutch context, thus facilitating the project replication and results disseminations. The project is implemented jointly by Leiden University’s Institute for Security and Global Affairs, the University of Pisa (project lead), and multiple partners in Italy and the Netherlands.

Key responsibilities

•    Conduct independent and collaborative data collection at the designated DEMO site in the Netherlands;
•    Participate in expert workshops in close cooperation with the other members of the team and co-author policy papers on the basis of the outcomes of the project;
•    Disseminate findings through academic publishing in peer reviewed journals, whitepapers, conference presentations, policy reports, presentations, lectures and media;
•    Represent the project at national, European and international events and engage in consultations with other stakeholders in the field;
•    Carry out and assist with other duties as determined by the project’s leadership.
Selection Criteria
The candidates must have:
•    A PhD in social sciences, safety sciences, risk analysis, management of technology, industrial ecology, engineering and policy analysis, (technical) public administration or another relevant discipline;
•    Extensive knowledge of the field that bridges between policy studies, governance, security, safety and technological sciences with a track record of published research on this topic;
•    A keen interest in and a network and knowledge of the field of Seveso industrial sites, environmental regulation and safety and security risk assessment;
•    Experience with working in multi- or interdisciplinary teams;
•    Relevant experience in organizing (academic) events for smaller and larger groups;
•    Very good communication and presentation skills, and an excellent command of English;
•    Proficiency in the Dutch language is considered an asset;
•    A ‘can do’ mentality and a team player spirit.
Our organisation
Science for and about society is the domain of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). FGGA provides high-quality interdisciplinary education and research on social and governance issues such as terrorism, organisation of public administration, climate change and economic crises.
Contemporary issues are approached from an administrative, political, economic, legal and sociological perspective. This interdisciplinary approach gives the faculty's education and research a cross-border character.
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is one of the seven faculties of Leiden University and is based in The Hague.
The FGGA is a young, enterprising and innovative organisation that is growing rapidly. The faculty has three scientific institutes, two centres, 3500 students and 330 staff members.
For more information about the faculty click here.
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) is a leading research and education institute, focusing on the most pressing local, national, European and global security issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. It currently hosts more than 100 academic and support staff members and offers the BA in Security Studies, the MSc in Crisis and Security Management (including a forthcoming track on Violence), the Advanced MA in International Relations and Diplomacy, the executive MSc in Cyber Security as well as a variety of innovative teaching offerings in the professional and MOOC fields. In addition, ISGA runs popular Minor Programmes in Violence as well as the Faculty’s Honour Programme in Security and Global Affairs.
LIFE20 ENV/IT/000436 – LIFE SECURDOMINO  is an EU- Life funded project focused on assessment of integrated safety-security hazards and risks and related domino effect at Seveso sites. You can find more information here: https://www.securdomino.eu/ 
Terms and conditions
The successful candidate will be part of an ambitious and dynamic team. He or she will initially be appointed for one year. Salary range from € 3.974, - to € 5.439, - gross per month (pay scale 11), in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.


Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.
For more information please contact prof. dr. Sanneke Kuipers, professor of Crisis Governance, at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, via: s.l.kuipers@fgga.leidenuniv.nl 
Please submit online your application no later than 8 November 2022 via the blue button in our application system.
Please ensure that you upload the following additional documents in PDF format, quoting the vacancy number:
•    Motivation letter;
•    Curriculum vitae including a list of publications;
•    A sample publication;
•    The names and addresses of three potential referees.
 Acquisition following this advertisement is not appreciated.