Permanent employment
Den Haag
Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8), Master (EQF 7)
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The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, the institute of Security and Global Affairs and the National Police are looking for a professor by special appointment for the chair Policing Studies, which will be established within the team Policing Studies of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA).


Project Description
The special chair is the result of a cooperation agreement between Leiden University and the National Police. There has been an increased demand from the side of the National Police for more theoretical knowledge and academic research on policing and security. This extends from the macro (governance) to the micro (understanding decision making processes by individual security actors). At the same time, a need is felt to translate this theoretical knowledge to practical relevance. In regard to Policing Studies in the Netherlands, the observation can be made that there have been knowledge hubs in the past, but these are not (as) active any more, or they are dispersed over criminological research, public administration research, psychological research, legal research, security studies research, etc. Multidisciplinarity is therefore needed, as well the resurgence of a strong research hub with academics who are willing to engage with the professional and societal field. The Institute of Security and Global Affairs has had experience with this, and already has a number of academics working on policing issues throughout its different research groups. Additionally, a team Policing Studies was created, concentrating on three broad themes:

  • Governance of law enforcement (research related to policing models, pluralization of policing, public-private partnerships in a national, policing in a European and International context, etc.);
  • Border crossing security issues (international policing and police cooperation. Also includes borderless security issues, such as cybercrime);
  • Contemporary societal security problems (complex phenomena that are identified by society as particularly pressing. The initial focus here is on subversion of the Rechtstaat through criminal activity).

Holders of special chairs typically also have a (part-time) appointment at another university or knowledge-based institution. The holder of this special chair will become a full member of the academic community of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, but remote work is a possibility. We do expect that the chairholder will give a minimum of one course per year in the regular Leiden BA or MA programmes organized by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. The supervision of a Ph.D. candidate is also expected.


Position of the special chair
The special chair will be situated within the team Policing Studies, which in turn is part of the research group Intelligence and Security, part of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Cooperation with relevant research groups within the Institute, within the University, and outside of the University is encouraged.


Key responsibilities
The special chair has both an educational and a research component, as well as a request to develop a long term approach in the area of Policing Studies. The Institute of Security and Global Affairs currently already houses a professor by special appointment on Undermining, and the Centre for Professional Learning within the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs has facilitated leadership programmes on Diversity and Inclusion with the police. The special chair is expected to develop synergies while performing the different key responsibilities stated hereunder.

  • Development of a research plan that involves attracting both national and European/international research funding, the latter ideally within a consortium where the Institute of Security and Global Affairs is the penholder.
  • Participation in the public and scientific debate by holding presentations on national and international conferences, and publishing in relevant journals, as well as other valorization-related activities.
  • Supervision of research and Ph.D. supervision.
  • Development of an educational plan that initially is focused on organizing workshops and seminars. The special chair also has to teach at least one course per year in the regular Leiden BA or MA programs organized by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. The educational plan should lead to the development of a separate educational program in Policing Studies (e.g.: minor Policing Studies, track Policing studies within the Master Crisis and Security Management, Master Policing Studies).
  • Proactive contribution to the development of the team Policing Studies, amongst others by developing a long term approach that builds on the initial investment of the National Police, so that the team Policing Studies can grow into a self-sufficient research group (and in the long term Institute) of its own. This long term approach includes elements of the educational and research plan.

Selection criteria

  • Holder of a Ph.D., with a demonstrable reputation as an expert in the field of policing studies, with specific reference to at least one of the three broad themes mentioned earlier.
  • Educational expertise and proven didactive skills.
  • Research expertise, shown by having supervised previous national and international research projects, as well as publications in relevant academic journals.
  • Expertise with Ph.D. supervision is considered a plus.
  • Excellent knowledge of English. Knowledge of Dutch is a significant plus, given the close interactions the team Policing Studies has with the Dutch National Police.

The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs

Science for and about society is the domain of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). FGGA provides high-quality interdisciplinary education and research on social and governance issues such as terrorism, organization of public administration, climate change and economic crises. Contemporary issues are approached from an administrative, political, economic, legal and sociological perspective. This interdisciplinary approach gives the faculty's education and research a cross-border character. The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is one of the seven faculties of Leiden University and is based in The Hague. The FGGA is a young, enterprising and innovative organization that is growing rapidly. The faculty has three scientific institutes, two centers, 3500 students and 330 staff members.


The Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) is a scientific institute that focuses on multidisciplinary research and education within the international scientific field of security studies. ISGA analyses and studies issues in a coherent way from their local transnational and global impact. Researchers at our institute are engaged in interdisciplinary research and teaching within the international scientific field of security studies. The approach to issues of security is glocal, that is to say that the local, national, transnational and global impact are studied and analysed in conjunction with each other. ISGA operates from The Hague, the third major city of the Netherlands, center of national governance and International City of Peace, Justice and Security


Terms and conditions
The chairholder will not be employed by the University Leiden. The candidate will receive a fee based on the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities (function level ‘hoogleraar 2’). In consultation with the candidate, agreements will be made about the payment of this compensation. An Integrity and Reliability Screening of the National Police may be a part of the procedure. The chair will be established at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs for the period of four years for 0,5 fte (19 hours per week). The chair is supervised by a ‘College van Curatoren’, consisting of four members, with whom an annual evaluation meeting will be held.


Diversity and inclusion are core values of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.


How to apply
Please submit your application via our e-recruitment portal in the form of a single PDF file that contains the following items in the following order:

  • Application letter, including a vision of the working field of the chair (max. 2 pages);
  • CV, including education, positions filled, employers, publication list, courses designed and given, research projects, grants and prizes;
  • Research plan, including reflection on how the research output can be shared with broader audiences;
  • Vision statement on how teaching in this subject area should be given;
  • Course description of a course that the applicant would like to offer in this subject area;
  • Names and contact details of three referees (no reference letters at this stage).

Only applications received no later than 28 February 2023 can be considered. The selection procedure may include a trial lecture.