Bachelor (EQF 6), Associate degree (EQF 5)
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Thales Nederland is active in the Defence and Security sectors and is, with more than 2000 employees, a top provider of high-tech jobs. Product innovation and swift anticipation of the newest technological possibilities are the mainsprings of our business. Examples are radar, communication and command & control systems for naval ships and communication, security and payment systems for trade and industry. Thales Nederland is part of the Thales Group, which has a workforce of 68.000 in more than 50 countries making it one of Europe’s largest electronics companies.
The software department of the Application Engineering cluster is responsible for the software development in radar- and optical sensors for worldwide navies- and air defense systems. 


Remote communications between zones 
At the moment, Thales is adopting a service oriented architecture for their Radar
systems. Thales was involved in a research project called INAETICS (www.inaetic.org) in which an architecture for modular, dynamic infallible systems was developed together with a reference architecture. In this architecture the concept of zones is introduced to realize grouping of Nodes based on e.g. geographical location, business domain or security domain.
At the moment, Thales uses OSGi as modular technology. In the OSGi world the concept of remote services is supported.


This research aims to design and implement a zone bridge that provides service
accessibility between zones and message routing between zones. In the design concepts like security (access to services), dynamic leader election (who becomes the zone bridge) and no single point of failure have to be taken into account. Also the access to non OSGi services has to be taken into account (e.g. REST services or gRPC based services). All concepts need to be pluggable.



Linux, Operating Systems 

Thales Nederland is active in the Defence and Security sectors and is, with more than 2000 employees, a top provider of high-tech jobs. Product innovation and swift anticipation of the newest technological possibilities are the mainsprings of our business. Examples are radar, communication and command & control systems for naval ships and communication, security and payment systems for trade and industry. Thales Nederland is part of the Thales Group, which has a workforce of 68.000 in more than 50 countries making it one of Europe’s largest electronics companies.
The software department of the Application Engineering cluster is responsible for the software development in radar- and optical sensors for worldwide navies- and air defense systems. 


Remote communications between zones 
At the moment, Thales is adopting a service oriented architecture for their Radar
systems. Thales was involved in a research project called INAETICS (www.inaetic.org) in which an architecture for modular, dynamic infallible systems was developed together with a reference architecture. In this architecture the concept of zones is introduced to realize grouping of Nodes based on e.g. geographical location, business domain or security domain.
At the moment, Thales uses OSGi as modular technology. In the OSGi world the concept of remote services is supported.


This research aims to design and implement a zone bridge that provides service
accessibility between zones and message routing between zones. In the design concepts like security (access to services), dynamic leader election (who becomes the zone bridge) and no single point of failure have to be taken into account. Also the access to non OSGi services has to be taken into account (e.g. REST services or gRPC based services). All concepts need to be pluggable.


Linux, Operating Systems