Financial crime
Permanent employment
Den Haag
Bachelor (EQF 6), Master (EQF 7)
Apply before:
Hours p/wk:

This selection procedure is intended to establish a reserve list of successful candidates (indicative number is 5). There are currently two secondment opportunities available. Europol may retain the right to make use of the serve list to select candidates for similar secondments, should business needs so require.


Organisational setting:
The SNEs will be assigned to the Financial Team, Operations Unit, EFECC (Analysis Project [AP] Corruption or Analysis Project [AP] Sustrans).


Mandate of the team:
The Operations Directorate deals with the core business of Europol, improving the effectiveness and cooperation of the competent authorities in the Member States in preventing and combating serious and organised crime, as well as terrorism affecting the Member States. This requires close cooperation with the Liaison Bureaux at Europol and via them with the Operational Teams in the Member States.

Europol delivers a number of products and services to national law enforcement agencies to support them in their fight against international serious and organised crime, as well as terrorism.

The EFECC will provide support and coordination for Member States in the fight against financial and economic crimes in the European Union, delivering operational and investigative support to the Member States on complex financial investigations. It also provides support to the European Union’s institutions and Member States in building operational and analytical capacity for investigations and in strengthening the cooperation with external partners, both in the public and private sector.

The Operational Unit covers economic crime (missing trader intra community fraud, excise fraud and fraud in general), financial crime (money laundering, asset recovery and corruption) and counterfeiting (including the intellectual property crime coordinated coalition and the forgery of money project).


Purpose of the secondment:
The SNEs will contribute to the work of the Operational Unit in the EFECC through the execution of a wide range of operational and strategic activities, with the aim to support national law enforcement activities in their fight against serious and organised forms of economic and financial crime. The SNEs will be asked to contribute, support and assist on any matters related to these tasks.


Reporting lines:
The SNEs will work under the supervision of the Head of Office AP Corruption or Head of Office AP Sustrans and report to the Head of Unit of EFECC Operations through the Team Leader of the Financial Crime Team.



The SNEs will carry out the following main functions and duties:
• Assist EU MS in the fight against the activities of criminal organisations involved in high-level corruption and money laundering through a range of tasks such as identification of high-priority cases, exchange of information, organising operational meetings;
• Take a key role in project-related activities with specific focus on anti-corruption and anti-money laundering related investigations and relevant policy matters;
• Provide subject matter expertise to operational activities aimed at fighting corruption and money laundering;
• Enhance Europol's ability to exploit financial intelligence with the aim of supporting investigations of Member States’ competent authorities and those of Europol’s cooperating partners, and to monitor the information flow between the Front Office of the Operations Directorate and the EFECC Operations Unit;
• Establish, maintain and foster close cooperation and regular contacts with Member States and Third Parties' Liaison Officers to identify, encourage and support operational activities in the areas of responsibility;
• Contribute to policy development and other strategic matters carried out by Europol or in cooperation with other EU Institutions and Agencies in the field of fighting high-level corruption and money laundering;
• Assist in identifying and reporting trends and developments in the areas of corruption and money laundering in order to facilitate a pan European strategic overview on such matters, also through a regular monitoring of open sources, carrying out research and drafting of relevant reports, amongst other tasks;
• Represent Europol at meetings, conferences, expert fora, trainings and other relevant events and deliver presentations, increase awareness and provide expert knowledge and advice in the areas of responsibility;
• Organize and facilitate working groups, meetings or conferences in the fields of responsibility.