About 4TU

The four universities of technology in the Netherlands are jointly committed to strengthening and pooling technical knowledge.


4TU contributes to the well-being of the Netherlands by strengthening and pooling knowledge and creativity in the technology sector, and by exploiting it to maximum effect. This is why the four universities of technology (TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and University of Wageningen) are jointly committed to strengthening and pooling their technical knowledge with the aim of producing sufficient numbers of highly qualified engineers and technical designers, of conducting outstanding and socially relevant research of an international standard, and of promoting cooperation between research institutes and businesses.



The four universities of technology offer a joint range of study options – five Masters of Science programmes and Professional Doctorate in Engineering programmes by the Stan Ackermans Institute. For innovation in education, the universities combine their strengths in the 4TU.Centre for Engineering Education.

The four universities of technology in Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede and Wageningen are jointly committed to strengthening and pooling technological knowledge with the aim of producing sufficient and well-trained engineers and technical designers, of carrying out outstanding and socially relevant research of an international standard, and of promoting cooperation between research institutes and businesses. The 4TU.Federation cooperates in the field of education in the 4TU.Education management committee. An important aspect of the cooperative partnership is the development of five joint Master’s study programmes that are listed below. 4TU also provides twenty Professional Doctorate in Engineering study programmes through the Stan Ackermans Institute.  


Additional registration (‘neveninschrijving’)

important for students Students who register for a 4TU Master’s programme are regarded as students at all four institutes. Any student registering for one of the 4TU study programmes is automatically registered at the other two universities for the first year. This additional registration is needed at a later stage of the academic year in order to be able to use the education facilities at all four, for example the digital learning environment for subjects that are taught virtually at one of the other universities. For this reason, students are given log-in codes during the early part of the year for the various universities. Second-year students are given the option of obtaining an additional registration. This allows them to take optional subjects or to graduate at the university of their choice. It all means they can get the benefit of the strong points of all the universities combined!