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Education providers
Education Providers (111)
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Tilburg University
Tilburg University contributes to solving social issues. We achieve this mainly by developing and transferring knowledge and bringing together people from various disciplines and organizations. Therefore we have invited companies, organizations, government, and citizens to work together with us to develop new insights and solutions which create value for society. We create this innovation by condu...
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Saxion is een hogeschool voor het hoger beroepsonderwijs (hbo). In Apeldoorn, Deventer en Enschede studeren ruim 26.000 studenten. Saxion biedt zeer uiteenlopende opleidingen en een groot aantal bijzondere afstudeerrichtingen of specialisaties, zowel nationaal als internationaal. In samenwerking met bedrijven en instellingen wordt door onze kenniscentra en lectoraten toegepast onderzoek gedaan. Vo...
Leiden University
Education Every year Leiden University trains around 26,000 students from almost 100 different countries. The University is committed to ensuring that all its teaching meets the highest quality standards. Achieving your full potential We have introduced the Leiden Study System and the Binding Study Advice as means of supporting our bachelor’s and master’s students in achieving their full potential...
Studiecentrum voor Bedrijf en Overheid
Veiligheid opleidingen, cursussen en congressen Blijf op de hoogte van de laatste trends en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van veiligheid en beveiliging. SBO heeft al meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in diverse opleidingen over veiligheidsbeleid en veiligheid in uw organisatie.
Security Academy
Bij de Security Academy kun je terecht voor het grootste aanbod in opleidingen Informatiebeveiliging, IT-Security, Privacy, Business Continuity en Crisis Management op de Nederlandse markt. Wij zijn flexibel qua planning en ontvangen u graag in een gastvrije omgeving met een persoonlijke benadering. Je kunt ook bij ons terecht voor kosteloos studieadvies: https://www.securityacademy.nl/opleidingen...
University of Amsterdam
General study information The UvA offers a range of programmes that not only allows students to study the subject of their choice in depth, but also provides the opportunity for a multidisciplinary approach. Seven faculties Teaching and research at the UvA are offered through seven faculties. The Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes are administered by Colleges and Graduate Schools within the facult...
Stichting Centre for Safety and Development (CSD)
Non-profit safety & security training, advice & knowledge sharing Imagine you are an humanitarian worker helping those in need, or a researcher doing valuable research in one of the world’s trouble spots, when, one day, you are faced with a life-threatening situation, like a bushfire, an earthquake or an armed robbery. What are your chances of making it out unscathed? At the Centre for Safety and...
Hogeschool Utrecht
Wat je kan, is belangrijk. Maar wie je bent, maakt het verschil. Daarom leren studenten bij ons meer dan een vak. Ze leren talenten te ontplooien en nieuwe wegen te kiezen. Hoe ze dat leren? Samen. Wij verbinden studenten, onderzoekers en organisaties om samen vorm te geven aan de wereld van morgen.
TIAS The world is changing at a rapid pace. Technological, economic, and social developments are succeeding each other at breakneck speed. Businesses and institutions are looking to give a clearer meaning to their activities. At TIAS School for Business and Society, we operate on the basis of the philosophy that economic success goes hand in hand with social progress. Business is society and socie...
Software Improvement Group (SIG)
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Bij de opleidingen van Hogeschool Rotterdam voelt iedereen zich welkom en hoort iedereen erbij. Studenten en docenten kennen elkaar en weten elkaar te vinden. De docenten doen er alles aan om je te begeleiden bij je studie op een manier die bij jou past. Dit vraagt van jou betrokkenheid en een actieve inzet. Samen maken we het onderwijs. Kenmerkend voor het onderwijs van Hogeschool Rotterdam is de...
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS)
Met een open blik de wereld inkijken. Dat is voor De Haagse Hogeschool heel normaal. Want door zijn ogen open te houden, staat de hogeschool midden in de maatschappij. Lukt het om eigenzinnige onderwijsprogramma’s te ontwerpen die studenten helpen zelfbewust te functioneren in een mondiale samenleving die zich steeds sneller ontwikkelt. Alle werelddelen Op de hogeschool is die internationalisering...
Hanze Hogeschool
Universiteit van Amsterdam / Informatics Institute
The Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam delivers education at the highest level to a large and growing number of students in the Information Sciences. This education is based on world class scientific research that is done by the institute over four research themes: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computational Science and Systems and Networking. Within the Security and Net...
Erasmus University Rotterdam
5 Good reasons to choose for Erasmus University Study on a campus Erasmus University Rotterdam offers everything you need right on campus. Here you attend lectures and study in the library with your fellow students. At lunch, you can eat in the Food Court or Erasmus Paviljoen and if you want to play sports, you go to the sports centre. International students can also live on campus. The campus rea...
Leiden University of Applied Sciences
Hier staan wij voor Hogeschool Leiden is een regionaal georiënteerde kennisinstelling in het hart van de Randstad. Wij maken veel werk van 'verbinding met de regio'. Wij richten ons op het verzorgen van voltijdse bacheloropleidingen waarbinnen toegepast onderzoek door studenten een belangrijke plaats inneemt. Dit onderzoek wordt in samenwerking met het omringende werkveld vormgegeven. Overige ople...
Asser Institute
The T.M.C. Asser Instituut is a leading and authoritative provider of postgraduate and executive education on international and European law. Utilising our collective knowledge and skills and the power of partnership, we create unique and highly relevant training programmes on a variety of topics and levels for a diverse range of individuals. Our educational programmes range from courses specifica...
Gilde Opleidingen
Delft University of Technology
Studying at the TU Delft Welcome to Delft University of Technology! One of the world’s top universities of technology (#15 in QS ranking), located in the historic city of Delft, The Netherlands, in the heart of Europe. Our education We offer 16 Bachelor’s programmes and over 35 Master’s programmes in the fields of science, engineering and design. All our Master’s programmes are taught in English,...
Signpost Six
Nationale Politie
The Police Academy is the centre for training, knowledge and research for the Dutch National Police. It is a dynamic organization, offering training and knowledge programs on the highest level, anticipating developments in society and translating these into customized education programs. The Police Academy cooperates with the National Police and other partners in the field of security, education,...
Radboud University
Why Radboud University in Nijmegen? Radboud University Our personal style of teaching gives you the opportunity to work closely with leading researchers and excellent teachers in interactive, small seminars. Professors are easily approachable to discuss your study subjects. When you decide to come to Radboud, you will be studying at the fastest rising Dutch university in the international universi...
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
The HvA is the high school of Amsterdam and for Amsterdam. Through education and research, the HvA answers questions that arise in the city. In addition, the HvA community is part of life in the city. For the students and researchers of the HvA, the city is a living laboratory. Together with companies, organisations and residents, the University of Applied Sciences develops multidisciplinary solut...
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Maastricht University
Education Small-scale and international Maastricht University (UM) is known for its Problem-Based Learning system and international orientation. Our small-scale ‘international classroom’ brings together people from all over the world who have different backgrounds and perspectives. And it’s these very differences that make the UM learning experience unique.Our study programmes, too, are internatio...
MBO Rijnland
Vista College
ROC Midden Nederland
ROC Mondriaan
Mbo betekent "middelbaar beroepsonderwijs". Je leert dus voor een beroep. Per beroep is officieel en landelijk vastgelegd wat je als student moet kennen en kunnen om het diploma te behalen. Op school krijg je theorie en veel praktijkles. Tijdens je studie volg je ook een stage bij erkende leerbedrijven. ROC Mondriaan biedt zo'n 200 middelbare beroepsopleidingen aan, voor 13 verschillende beroepsse...
ROC Nijmegen
ROC Nova College
ROC Rivor
Rijn IJssel
Regio College
MBO Utrecht
MBO Amersfoort
Koning Willem l College
ROC Tilburg
ROC Horizon College
Hoornbeeck College
ROC van Amsterdam
Graafschap College
ROC van Flevoland
Friesland College
Drenthe College
ROC van Twente
Deltion College
Summa College
Da Vinci College
Alfa college
Techniek College Rotterdam
Zoomvliet College
Albeda College
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN)
Windesheim Hogeschool
Fontys Hogescholen
NHTV Internationaal Hoger Onderwijs Breda
HZ University of Applied Sciences
NHL University of Applied Sciences
De NHL Stenden als hogeschool Studeren bij de NHL Stenden betekent: ontwikkel je talenten en groei in je ambities. Studenten worden gestimuleerd verder te kijken, over de grenzen van hun eigen vakgebied heen. Wij vertellen graag hoe wij dat doen. Met een been in de praktijk Hoger beroepsonderwijs is praktijkgericht onderwijs. Bij de NHL zien we het werkveld dan ook als medeopleider. NHL Hogeschool...
Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
VU University Amsterdam
Quality of education VU Amsterdam has a sterling reputation for the fine quality of its teaching. You work in relatively small groups, in which considerable emphasis is placed on interaction and a personal approach. The teaching is well organized. This is reflected, for instance, in the clear structure of the study programs. Personal Supervision VU Amsterdam devotes considerable attention to perso...
Utrecht University
Studying at UU Innovative, high-quality and future-proof: these qualities typify the education offered by Utrecht University. For years Utrecht University has been at the forefront of educational innovation and it creates challenging programmes for groups of extra-talented and motivated students, in order to meet the international need for outstanding graduates. This is illustrated in a number of...
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Studenten Anno 2014 telde Hogeschool Utrecht zo’n 36.500 studenten in ons voltijd en deeltijd bachelor- en masteronderwijs. De HU begeleidt ze tijdens hun studie én in hun voorbereiding op de arbeidsmarkt. Omdat wij duidelijk zijn over onze verwachtingen, weten studenten dat er hoge eisen aan hen worden gesteld. Daar staat tegenover dat wij zorgen voor structuur en ondersteuning. Iedere student kr...
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Educational vision -- NXTWB-1678 Educational vision Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans Hogeschool) connecting people, creating knowledge Students, lecturers, professors and education professionals together form a lively network within our educational institution. Knowledge and competency development is the driving force and the connecting factor behind this. Our varied and modern learning...
InHolland University of Applied Sciences
Why study in The Hague? Students are often attracted to The Hague because of its international appeal and ability to appreciate and celebrate so many languages and cultures. The Hague is the third-largest city of the Netherlands and houses more than 30,000 students of which 4,000 international students from over a 100 different countries. For a study break, students flock to the seaside city of Sc...
NCOI Opleidingen
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Studeren bij Hogeschool Zuyd Zuyd heeft veel verschillende opleidingen van hoge kwaliteit. Je krijgt veel persoonlijke aandacht tijdens je studie. Alle opleidingen zijn praktijkgericht, zodat je na de opleiding een gewilde professional bent. Studeren in het buitenland Bij Zuyd zit je ook goed als je een deel van je studie in het buitenland wilt doen. Er zijn veel mogelijkheden voor uitwisseling of...
STC MBO College
Hudson Cybertec
FoxAcademy biedt een uitgebreid opleidingsaanbod, ontwikkeld en verzorgd door Fox-IT Experts. De hands-on opleidingen van FoxAcademy gaan in op de laatste ontwikkelingen en tendensen in de IT Security markt en koppelen theoretische kennis aan de dagelijkse praktijk. For more information visit: https://www.fox-it.com/academy/
Duthler Associates
Duthler Associates, First Lawyers and Europe Compliance are happy to share knowledge and experiences with you. Duthler Academy was founded for this purpose. The initiative for the Academy was accelerated by the demand from clients for a professional and multidisciplinary course for the Data Protection Officer (the FG course) . The Academy is now the home base for all training services, also aimed...
PBLQ, Connectors in the information society PBLQ is a consultancy firm for change issues in the information society. We help our clients from the (semi) public sector with advice, traineeships and training courses. In doing so, we contribute to a smart and robust information society in which government, citizens and businesses can exchange information safely. We are committed to a well-functioning...
SDR Academy
EIT Digital
About 4TU The four universities of technology in the Netherlands are jointly committed to strengthening and pooling technical knowledge. 4TU contributes to the well-being of the Netherlands by strengthening and pooling knowledge and creativity in the technology sector, and by exploiting it to maximum effect. This is why the four universities of technology (TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technol...
Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid (NIPV)
Klik hier voor een overzicht van de opleidingen die het Instituut voor de Fysieke Veiligheid aanbiedt .
University College Roosevelt
University College Roosevelt: a Liberal Arts and Sciences College with a vibrant academic community and a buzzing student life. A place where students are eager to make the most of their talents. A place where dedicated professors, ranked the best in the Netherlands, teach in small classes. A place where you can truly explore your interests by choosing courses ranging from music to biology and fro...
Certified Secure
Certified Secure exists to encourage and fulfill the growing interest in IT Security knowledge and skills. We stand for openness, transparency and the sharing of knowledge; making sure everybody can experience and enjoy IT security. Security is serious fun! All Certified Secure certifications, products and training are developed by IT security professionals with international recognized expertise....
INNOPAY offers various trainings in the field of Cybersecurity, given by our own certified and experienced professionals. Find out about our various training programs, availability, booking and relevant information through our INNOPAY ACADEMY website. Note: Training will be given in Dutch INNOPAY offers the chance to become acquainted with the most important aspects of cybersecurity in an accessib...
Inspiring and innovative training courses GO Opleidingen | School for Information is the training institute for information professionals. With inspiring and innovative training courses. The average customer satisfaction is according to independent auditor CEDEO: 95.5%! Information courses since 1960 You can benefit from our thorough and up-to-date training offer. Under our roof you will find two...
Social mission of the ITvitae Group: Guiding ICT specialists with autism towards a paid and sustainable job By combining our many years of expertise in the field of ICT, autism and coaching into a complete range of services, we are able to successfully help talents with autism find suitable work. ITvitae provides various pathways to work: ICT Learning pathway to work ICT Self study programme in th...
Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University
For over 45 years, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University has firmly established its reputation as one of Europe’s leading business schools. Long before ‘global’ became an important descriptor for business education, RSM’s students, faculty and staff were already reflecting the diversity of the globalising world and developing the school into a force for positive change. Just like our...
KIT Karlsruhe
ROC Leeuwenborgh
Scheidegger Opleidingen
Studiecentrum Minerva
Thomas More Hogeschool
Vitalis College
Radius College
MYOBI works closely with Duthler Academy and makes use of its training opportunities. Founded in 2014, Duthler Academy is a leading training institute in legal, compliance & privacy. MYOBI werkt nauw samen met Duthler Academy en maakt gebruik van haar opleidingsmogelijkheden. Duthler Academy, opgericht in 2014, is een vooraanstaand opleidingsinstituut op het gebied van legal, compliance & privacy.
To build the first quantum computer and quantum internet, QuTech works together with talented students with in-depth knowledge in the areas of both quantum physics and computer science & engineering. Find out what QuTech Academy has to offer. For more information please mail us at info-qutechacademy@tudelft.nl
Audittrail is de advies- en consultancypartner bij wie u al uw compliancevraagstukken kunt beleggen. We zijn een team van innovatieve, gespecialiseerde enthousiastelingen die altijd streven de verwachting van de klant te overtreffen. Onze expertise ligt binnen de domeinen privacy, informatiebeveiliging, awareness, GRC, kwaliteit en audit. Mede dankzij onze partners zijn we in staat met innovatieve...
IT Circle
IT Circle Nederland is the community where IT-employees from across the organization actively participate to strengthen themselves, each other and with that the organization in the field of Information Technology. The regional circles offer the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions within smaller groups. The overall circle offers the opportunity to make contacts with peers from a wide...
ICTRecht Security
ICTRecht is a full-service consultancy firm, specialised in internet, ICT, privacy and information security. With a team of more than 60 specialists, we provide organisations with expert and practical advice, from our offices in Amsterdam, Groningen and Brussels. From start-up to multinational and from government agency to healthcare institution. We are flexible, creative and proactive. ICTRecht S...
At Awareways, we believe that a solid security culture is key in this digitising world. Our mission is to create a more resilient society. We combine social psychology, educational science, data research, strong communication and gamification principles into a holistic learning experience. Together we achieve measurable behavioral change and make people the strongest link in your security chain. I...