Insite Security is an independent information security firm. In the specialist fields of information security we are an authority. We deliver security services from 'board to byte'. Insite Security brings together the human, organisational and technical aspects of information security. Based on this unique, integrated approach and the innovative services, Insite Security makes organisations resilient to the threat of cyber crime and reduce privacy and security risks to an acceptable level.
At Insite Security, we believe that the classical, hierarchical organisation belongs in the past. We operate a more ‘democratic’ form of organisation, with a clear emphasis on cooperation, autonomy, craftsmanship and above all enjoyment at work. Small teams of experienced and smart people work together, encourage one another, and inspire clients. Insite Security distinguishes itself from other organisations through its independence and use of highly qualified and certified professionals from a variety of backgrounds. Insite Security always aims to build long lasting relationships with its customers.