Cyber, Security, ICT, Network Monitoring, Cyber Security
Contract Type:Type:
Permanent employment
Education Level:Education:
Bachelor (EQF 6), Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8), Master (EQF 7)
Published on:Published:
You are an EU/EEA citizen and you are a Software Test Engineer with Java development skills, on the lookout for a new challenge in Eindhoven. You enjoy working in a small team of developers in an international environment. Do you love pushing the limit of technology and want to see the results being used by companies around the globe? Then this is the job for you!
Our corporate culture is characterized by strong entrepreneurship, openness and responsibility. As a Test Engineer you will join our multicultural, creative and fast-paced team of developers.
Employment type: Full time
Seniority Level: Not applicable
- Excellent knowledge of the principles of software validation
- Skilled in writing and executing test plans
- Good knowledge of the Java programming language and of the unit test frameworks
- To be familiar with the Continuous Integration workflow and tools like Git, Gerrit, Trac and Jenkins
- Solid knowledge and practical experience of Ubuntu and bash command language
- Proficient understanding of the English language
Key responsibilities:
- You’ll be responsible of the software validation process. With your technical expertise you’ll manage individual project priorities, deadlines and deliverables.
- You’ll be involved in the continuous improvement process: proactive approach is a key element for this role.
- You’ll report to the Head of Development
Education: HBO or higher degree
Years of relevant experience: 1-4
To apply, please send an email with subject “Software Test Engineer” to Please include a motivation letter and a recent CV. Only complete applications submitted by email will be reviewed.