You already know how to code. And over the years you've gained the necessary theoretical and practical experience. But you want more. You want to take your qualities as a software engineer to the next level. To work with other software engineers on realistic, complicated issues. To solve isolated technical problems, but also to operate within the whole dynamic and extensive field that software engineering is. To not just know the how, but to understand the why.
The study programme
The Master Software Engineering is a one-year academic programme. It familiarises students with the broad and dynamic field of software engineering. Software engineering projects are complex undertakings, and there is no single recipe that guarantees success in all cases. This programme makes students better software engineers, designers and architects.
After graduation
Good software programmers are generally in high demand in both industry and research. And apart from strong programming skills, graduates have an in-depth understanding of all practical, theoretical, technology- and human-oriented aspects of software engineering, which allows them to objectively and effectively assess both their own work and that of others and to convincingly argue their point of view.
Is Software Engineering for you?
It is, if you: