PRODAFT – Pro Active Defense Against Future Threats


At PRODAFT, in response to the thousands of cyber incidents, cybercriminal fingerprints, and malicious activities we see on a daily basis, we have developed our own “to-the-point” technologies to prevent cyber threats. 


Because attackers have no rules and are continuously developing new methods, the battle against cyber incidents must always be one step ahead of any potential threats. Focusing on the here and now makes it very challenging to keep pace with cybercrime.

To ensure the proactive nature of our solutions, our operational cycles are constantly reviewed and adapted to newly emerging challenges within the cyber arena. 

Since 2012, PRODAFT has been a key solution provider for various critical sectors, including banking and finance, fintech, aviation, insurance, IoT, defense, and telecommunication. Due to the “customized” approach of our solutions, client turnover of PRODAFT is virtually nil, as we recognize the priorities and requirements unique to each industry. 


Our commitment in this regard is the main reason behind PRODAFT’s popularity among high-profile organizations. PRODAFT as a company is awarded as one of Europe’s 100 most successful technology initiatives by Red Hearing.  Also, PRODAFT’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform (USTA) has been awarded “Best Secruity Product of the Year in 2015 by Retail Banker.