3rd Capture the Flag School Competition

The Hague and Utrecht Universities of Applied Sciences, Fontys and Windesheim are organising the third edition of the national Capture The Flag (CTF) schools competition on 1 & 2 February 2023. The competition will be held online at the Higher Education Joint Cyber Range; a virtual environment where students can learn and show their cybersecurity skills. The competition is open to all schools from primary schools to Universities. Register here.


What is a cyberrange?
A cyberrange is a virtual environment where practical offensive and defensive cybersecurity skills can be taught. In business, this is a common facility for cybersecurity specialists to practice essential cybersecurity skills in realistic scenarios so they learn to recognise vulnerabilities in their network systems. Governments and educational institutions abroad are also working with a cyberrange.


Joining forces in a national platform
Within the Netherlands, we did not yet have a national platform for higher education in the field of cybersecurity. Teaching cyber and cloud security skills is therefore primarily shaped within one's own institution. Expertise is obviously present within each ict educational institution, but in the area of cyber security and cyber resilience, new knowledge could be shared even more. In addition, maintaining a locally hosted cyberrange is very labor-intensive; in the Joint Cyber Range NL forces can be combined. Each ict educational institution involved brings capacity and specific knowledge, allowing cybersecurity education in the Netherlands to remain up-to-date and raised to a high level. The starting point is a national platform for and by universities of applied sciences.


Read more about the Joint Cyber Range.


HSD Betrokken partners

De Haagse Hogeschool