Start Fourth Cohort Executive Master’s Programme Cyber Security

On 18 January, a fourth group of 26 professionals from a variety of public and private organisations started the executive Master’s programme Cyber Security - developed by the Cyber Security Academy - at the HSD Campus. In the past three years already more than 65 professionals took part in this multidisciplinary executive master programme in order to contribute to a more secure digital society.


The accredited and innovative master’s programme Cyber Security is an initiative by HSD partners Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. They have joined their knowhow in the Cyber Security Academy The Hague. Private partners are actively involved in the programme. 


Inspirational learning environment

Participants are higher educated professionals (computer scientists, lawyers, policy makers) with several years of professional experience in and affinity with issues related to cyber security. They work in various private and public organisations dealing with cyber security issues. Their role is to contribute to the strengthening of digital defensibility of states, organisations, and individual citizens. By sharing their experience and knowledge with other professionals and with academic lecturers and lecturers from the professional field an inspirational learning environment has been created. Upon successful completion of the programme participants will receive a Master of Science in Cyber Security diploma.



CSA’s key lecturers come from Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, guest lecturers from private and public organisations add a wide range of experience in cyber security. These parties include: management consultants (i-to-i, KPN, Considerati, Deloitte), technical specialists (NFI, vanderVoort Cyber Security, Fox IT), as well as other experts (NCTV, HP, OCOM, City of The Hague, TNO, Erasmus University, Nyenrode).


For more information on the programme, contact Drs Mireille Snels

HSD Betrokken partners

De Haagse Hogeschool
Delft University of Technology
Dutch National Coordinator of Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV)
Gemeente Den Haag
Leiden University - Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI)