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Den Haag
Doctorate/PhD (EQF 8)
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Post-doctoral researcher The Hague Program on International Cyber Security (1,0 FTE)


Faculty Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs

The Hague Program on International Cyber Security of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs is looking for a Post-doctoral researcher to join our international research team. The position has a light teaching component of 0,2 fte. The Hague Program on International Cyber Security is an interdisciplinary program for the study of international cyber security, with an emphasis on cyber conflict ‘below the threshold’ and the role of emerging technologies. We study the development of international cyber conflict and the international governance thereof, more specifically: international law, norms, strategy and diplomacy. In the program, academic research goes hand in hand with active engagement with the global community of policy makers and other stakeholders in the field of international cyber security and diplomacy.


Key responsibilities

  • Conduct independent and collaborative research in the field of international cyber security and conflict and the governance thereof, focusing on diplomacy, international law, norms, strategy and;
  • Teach in our Master’s and Bachelor programmes at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (0,2 fte of the position)
  • Disseminate research findings through high-ranking international blind peer review journals, books, whitepapers, conference presentations, policy reports, policy advise and (inter)national popular media;
  • Organise academic conferences and workshops in close cooperation with the other members of the team and co-author policy papers on the basis of events organised by the program;
  • Carry out and assist with other duties as determined by the program’s leadership
  • Represent the program at national and international events and engage in consultations with other stakeholders in the field of international cyber security and international norms;

Selection Criteria
The candidates must have:

  • A PhD in international relations, politics, international law, public administration or another relevant discipline. Candidates whose work focus on cyber-enabled influence operations, intelligence and cybersecurity, or cyber and emerging technologies are especially welcome to apply;
  • Candidates who are close to finishing the PhD and have a clear timeline for completion will also be considered;
  • Extensive knowledge of the field of international cyber security, with a solid track record of published research on this topic;
  • A multidisciplinary background, and experience with working in multi- or interdisciplinary teams;
  • Relevant experience in organizing (academic) events for smaller and larger groups.
  • Very good communication and presentation skills, and an excellent command of English;
  • A ‘can do’ mentality and a team player spirit.

Our organisation
Leiden University is one of Europe's foremost research universities. It is the oldest university in the Netherlands, founded in February 1575, and currently ranks in the top 100 of most international rankings. The University has approximately 23,000 students and 4,000 staff members.


The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, located in The Hague – the International City of Peace and Justice – offers a range of other programs focused on international relations, security, international law and international organization. It also hosts the Leiden University College (LUC), an international honors college of Leiden University situated The Hague. Firmly rooted in the academic tradition, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs provides an inspiring and challenging education and research environment, with a strong interdisciplinary character and international orientation; it is a meeting place for students, scholars and professionals, a platform for innovation and entrepreneurship.


Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) is a leading research and education institute, focusing on the most pressing local, national, European and global security issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. It currently hosts more than 120 academic and support staff members and offers the BA in Security and Safety Studies, the MSc in Crisis and Security Management, the Advanced MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy, the executive MSc in Cyber Security as well as a variety of innovative teaching offerings in the professional and MOOC fields. In addition, ISGA runs popular Minor Programmes in Global Affairs, Security, Safety and Justice and Intelligence Studies as well as the Faculty’s Honour Programme in Security and Global Affairs.


ISGA operates from The Hague, the third major city of the Netherlands, center of national governance and International City of Peace and Justice and advances both theory-informed and policy-oriented research. For further information, visit https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/governance-and-global-affairs/institute-of-security-and-global-affairs


The Hague Program on International Cyber Security focuses on international cyber security and conflict and the various modes of governance that states and other actors can bring into play to deal with and shape the strategic changes and challenges in the digital environment. In addition to conducting high quality research the Program aims to be a hub for connecting academics, policy makers and other experts on a national, European and international level. To this end we organize workshops and conferences, host visiting fellows and engage with the global community of scholars, think tankers, NGOs, policy makers, the technical community and industry that engage with issues of international cyber security (see our website for a more detailed impression:  https://www.thehagueprogram.nl/). The Hague Program on International Cyber Security is the successor to The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.


Terms and conditions
The successful candidate will be part of an ambitious and dynamic team. He or she will initially be appointed for one year with the possibility of renewal until the end of the project (31 December 2025). Salary range from € 4.332, - to € 5.929, - gross per month (pay scale 11), in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.


Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3%), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.


Fostering an inclusive community is a central element of the values and vision of Leiden University. Leiden University is committed to becoming an inclusive community which enables all students and staff to feel valued and respected and to develop their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High quality teaching and research is inclusive.


For more information please contact prof. dr. Dennis Broeders , d.w.j.broeders@fgga.leidenuniv.nl, Senior Fellow of The Hague Program on International Cyber Security.


Please submit online your application no later than 9 December 2023 via the blue button in our application system. Interviews are scheduled to take place in December 2023.

Please ensure that you upload the following additional documents in PDF format, quoting the vacancy number:

  • Motivation letter,
  • Curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
  • A sample publication,
  • The names and addresses of three potential referees. Letters of recommendation are not needed at this stage of the processes.