Academic Research, TCP/IP, TTP, IT network analyst, Scripting
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Master (EQF 7)
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Do you want to push the limits of security governance and threat research?


Note: this is a vacancy at Delft University of Technology. Part of your research will take place at Fox-IT.


Have you always wanted to predict breaches and measure how secure companies are? Do you want to pursue a PhD while also working in a cutting-edge industry environment?

Cybersecurity researchers at Delft University of Technology are starting a new project to push the limits of security governance and threat research. We are looking for a new team member who is passionate about network security and developing metrics and indicators from precursor events to predict security breaches. You will publish your work in top security conferences for both academic and industry audiences. You will work closely with not only our exceptional researchers and Fox-IT network analysts, but also with our academic partners in the US (Carnegie Mellon University and Tulsa University) to drive new and exciting developments around the collection and application of threat intelligence and risk metrics. You will work to enhance security tradecraft to quantify threats and risks before the adversaries have a strong foothold in organizations.


Qualifications Required

  • Master’s degree in computer science, information systems, cyber security, or related field
  • English language proficiency
  • Learning, self-motivation


Desired skills

  • Understanding of modern computer networking including TCP/IP networking key functional areas
  • Some familiarity with creating Indicators of Compromise from technical sources and/or experience with Snort or other detection technologies
  • Scripting and secure configuration of systems
  • Some familiarity with key security operations technologies such as SIEM and log aggregation
  • Ability to understand host and network log sources to apply to investigation, IR methodology in investigations, and the groups behind targeted attacks and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)



For more information, please contact Carlos Hernandez-Ganan, Assistant Professor
Phone: +31 15 27 82216
Email: C.HernandezGanan@tudelft.nl