For a pathologist who wants to contribute to a safe and fair society in the Netherlands, there is only one option: Come and work at the Netherlands Forensic Institute in The Hague. Your investigations will help to detect perpetrators and get them convicted, but also to exonerate innocent people. This is what makes your work as a forensic pathologist fascinating, challenging, responsible and comprehensive.
As a forensic pathologist, you focus primarily on investigating the cause of death, and establishing and interpreting injuries and post-mortem changes in deceased persons. This also includes reporting, reviewing, and defending the findings of your investigation. This can be done, among other things, by acting as an expert witness in courts in the Netherlands, and occasionally abroad.
Forensic examination is essential for the detection and prosecution of suspects of crimes, or clearing suspects of charges. The outcome of this examination has important consequences for society. Not only within the legal system, but also for the citizens. Forensic pathological examination is often a substantial part of the forensic investigation. Your contribution as a forensic pathologist is an indispensable element of this.
The first period of your employment will be dedicated to an internal training process. During this process, you will be trained to practise as forensic pathologist in the Netherlands, and will participate in various (international) training modules. Fully trained and registered forensic pathologists from outside of the Netherlands might be eligible for a personalised and shortened track.
- You are a (BIG-registered) physician. If you are currently working abroad, you can complete the BIG registration in a timely manner. See also
- You have (nearly) completed your education as a clinical/anatomical pathologist and you are (almost) registered, or eligible for registration as a pathologist with the Medical Specialists Committee (RGS) in the Netherlands.
- Alternatively, you have successfully completed a complete forensic pathology training abroad . The compatibility of foreign diplomas will be tested on a case-by-case basis. In principle, you have to meet the criteria for registration in the BIG and RGS registers in the Netherlands. See also
- You have good communication skills, required in view of the multidisciplinary nature of forensic examination, which involves much interaction with support staff, other experts inside and outside the NFI, lawyers and police.
- You have a good command of the Dutch language or are willing and able to learn Dutch within a period of one year. Making the forensic pathological findings readable and understandable requires that you are able to clearly and flawlessly prepare and defend forensic reports. We expect you to successfully complete the language exam at C1 level.
- You are willing and able to adopt a transparent and vulnerable attitude with respect to the evaluation of your reports by other experts. This is an important part of the quality assurance of the work of a forensic pathologist.
- Service-oriented
- Quality-oriented
- Accurate, precise and reliable
- Analytical
- Result-oriented
- Focused on self-development
What else do we think is important?
Collaborating and good professional contacts with your colleagues, chain partners and clients is important to you, and you want to invest in both internal and external contacts. You are highly analytical and are able to distinguish between main and secondary issues. You are independent and you are intrinsically motivated to do your job to the best of your ability. You never approach your job as routine work.