The Institute for Financial Crime (IFFC) is an independent knowledge- and network- organisation on the fight against financial-economic crime (FEC). The institute was launched in The Hague on 28 May 2015. It consists of knowledge partners who, in an innovative way, formulate solutions for issues of FEC with significant social impact. The aim is to facilitate research, knowledge-sharing and (public-private) partnerships. The current approach to fighting FEC is fragmented and lacks sufficient ownership and guidance. As a knowledge- and network organisation IFFC contributes to effectively combating and preventing FEC, with the ultimate goal to create a safer and more resilient society.
IFFC generates and disseminates knowledge on financial –economic crime and its control. It wants to realise a ‘FEC-community’, in which a network of stakeholders in the field of combating FEC (corporates, government, and knowledge institutes) innovatively combine their specific knowledge. Solutions for complex FEC-issues are being developed in a multidisciplinary way. In order to facilitate this, IFFC organises, among others, partner meetings, webinars, expert meetings and the annual Fraud Film Festival.